📄️ AffiliateManager
This contract handles the management of affiliates for the LooksRare protocol.
📄️ BatchOrderTypehashRegistry
The contract generates the batch order hash that is used to compute the digest for signature verification.
📄️ CreatorFeeManagerWithRebates
This contract returns the creator fee address and the creator rebate amount.
📄️ CreatorFeeManagerWithRoyalties
This contract returns the creator fee address and the creator fee amount.
📄️ CurrencyManager
This contract manages the list of valid fungible currencies.
📄️ ExecutionManager
This contract handles the execution and resolution of transactions. A transaction is executed on-chain
📄️ InheritedStrategy
This contract handles the verification of parameters for standard transactions.
📄️ LooksRareProtocol
This contract is the core smart contract of the LooksRare protocol ("v2").
📄️ NonceManager
This contract handles the nonce logic that is used for invalidating maker orders that exist off-chain.
📄️ StrategyManager
This contract handles the addition and the update of execution strategies.
📄️ TransferManager
This contract provides the transfer functions for ERC721/ERC1155 for contracts that require them.
📄️ TransferSelectorNFT
This contract handles the logic for transferring non-fungible items.
🗃️ executionStrategies
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