📄️ AggregatorFeeSharingWithUniswapV3
An extra layer built on top of the FeeSharingSystem that sells WETH to LOOKS using the Uniswap V3 router. It is a yield aggregator that optimizes LOOKS staking.
📄️ FeeSharingSetter
It receives LooksRare protocol fees and owns the FeeSharingSystem contract. It can plug to AMMs for converting all received currencies to WETH.
📄️ FeeSharingSystem
It handles the distribution of fees using WETH along with the auto-compounding of LOOKS.
📄️ LooksRareToken
📄️ TokenDistributor
It handles the distribution of LOOKS token. It auto-adjusts block rewards over a set number of periods.
📄️ TokenSplitter
It splits LOOKS to team/treasury/trading volume reward accounts based on shares.
📄️ TradingRewardsDistributor
It distributes LOOKS tokens with rolling Merkle airdrops.