The contract generates the batch order hash that is used to compute the digest for signature verification.
function hashBatchOrder(bytes32 root, uint256 proofLength) public pure returns (bytes32 batchOrderHash)
This function returns the hash of the concatenation of batch order type hash and merkle root.
Name | Type | Description |
root | bytes32 | Merkle root |
proofLength | uint256 | Merkle proof length |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
batchOrderHash | bytes32 | The batch order hash |
function _getBatchOrderTypehash(uint256 height) internal pure returns (bytes32 typehash)
It looks like this for each height
height == 1: BatchOrder(Maker[2] tree)Maker(uint8 quoteType,uint256 globalNonce,uint256 subsetNonce,uint256 orderNonce,uint256 strategyId,uint8 collectionType,address collection,address currency,address signer,uint256 startTime,uint256 endTime,uint256 price,uint256[] itemIds,uint256[] amounts,bytes additionalParameters)
height == 2: BatchOrder(Maker[2][2] tree)Maker(uint8 quoteType,uint256 globalNonce,uint256 subsetNonce,uint256 orderNonce,uint256 strategyId,uint8 collectionType,address collection,address currency,address signer,uint256 startTime,uint256 endTime,uint256 price,uint256[] itemIds,uint256[] amounts,bytes additionalParameters)
height == n: BatchOrder(Maker[2]...[2] tree)Maker(uint8 quoteType,uint256 globalNonce,uint256 subsetNonce,uint256 orderNonce,uint256 strategyId,uint8 collectionType,address collection,address currency,address signer,uint256 startTime,uint256 endTime,uint256 price,uint256[] itemIds,uint256[] amounts,bytes additionalParameters)